Oberon is a great member of the NLS-system family. The original version came onto the market in 2009, but since a lot of different versions by different resellers have been marketed. The Oberon has a build in backup function, but is cumbersome to use.
Since the speed of Oberon goes down according to the number of patients and sessions you have stored and also the risk of losing all your patient records if the database crashes, we created a small tool that will allow you to overcome these issues. The idea is based on a database per patient principle.
A copy of the user database that exclusively holds a single patient records, is placed in the patient folder on your file share.
Each patient gets his own database file, this dramatically increases the speed of the Oberon system.

This tool helps you to make a backup of the client (patient) database in seconds.

In addition, you can use a single database for each client. Speeding up your treatments significantly

It only copies the client database (pacient.adm.adi.adt) to a backup location. Or it copies the client database to a designated client folder on your hard drive. It gives the backup file a date/time stamp.